
Agasthya Nadi Astrology


Agasthya Nadi Astrology greets you with very true and authentic astrology predictions, which many famous people follow in their daily routines. We are glad to get you the best Nadi Astrology in your email. We read it from the true Nadi scrolls that have been left through a test of time, written in truth to every word.

Nadi predictions are not instructions but veracious foretelling of future events that pertain to most important occasions in your life. From the trifle day to day happenings to the important, once in a lifetime opportunities, Nadi Astrology tells all with our Nadi leaves.

We have our Nadi Astrological Centre based in Bangalore, which is one of the oldest surviving Nadi Centers in the world. We are into Astrology chart ascendancy who cater to the people around the world. With our cherished services, you shall reliaze the true path into your lives.


We believe every human soul is unique in their bearing, and the wisdom of Nadi Astrology foresees their future as expressed the most authentic. Our Astrological system is known to spell out the future of people with tremendous accuracy. The people who come to us for Astrological guidance are blessed in their lives in all important decision making scenarios. For any sort of obstacles they are facing in work, marriage, love, jobs, business or even sports, they turn to our system.





Nadi astrology

Nadi Astrology

Nadi astrology

Vedic Astrology

nadi josiyam

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Get online predictions from the masters of Nadi Astrology


Wherever you are from the world you can now access the benefits of Nadi Astrology from the comfort of your home. Get access to the true Nadi Astrologers who read out your Nadi Predictions while recording them in an audio file and will send it to you and Record via Email or Whatsapp. German translation is available.

Ours is a fourth generation of Nadi palm leaf readers. We want to make people happy and lead them on to the right path of their lives. Since life is predetermined, it is possible to affect and correct the inconsistencies in one’s past or present life. Moreover, We predict the future almost to perfection.

thumb print astrology
thumb print astrology

How to access Nadi Astrology?

It is easier than ever to be on the roadmap of your soul group with the correct Nadi predictions. Send us your right thumb impression for the males and left thumb imprint for the females and we will mail you all the Nadi Predictions for you in an Audio format.

For those wanting online reading with audio/video call can call us at the numbers given below and the audio recording will be mailed to your email id.

WhatsApp your thumb impressions to
+91 87923 46712.

Email your thumb impressions to


Benefits of taking Nadi Astrology:

You can know your past birth, and correct the residual karma of previous life by the recommendations of Rishis and sages who wrote the Nadi leaves. Many times you might have found yourself haunted by your past which might have left you uncomfortable. It can be corrected by the remedies written on the Nadi leaves for you. It is highly likely because of the energy vortex some imbalance has occurred on the roadmap of your soul which can be routed back to the right place with simple remedies.

You are seeking a destination and purpose in life.You want to reach good financial status, reached only by a handful of people but the circumstances force you to stay where you are. Or you are seeking marriage or are married but seeking love from your wife and children. You want to become rich but there is no miracle that can make you one. For all such problems, Nadi astrology can help you. It will turn over your life with a force. For Nadi Astrology Consultations contact us today. Walk the right path with the aid of Nadi astrology.

Nādi Astrology Online Services

You will be wondering and enthusiastically curious to know your future life. Well, to ease the masters we provide an easy roadmap to your inner being with our truthful Nadi predictions. If possible, and it is a requirement also, kindly send in a right thumb impression, if you are a male or left thumb imprint in case you are a female to us. You can contact us through SKYPE or fill in the Nadi search form on our website.

nadi josiyam

We will send the true predictions, all explained to the minutest details, attached neatly in your email. Or if you prefer, you can see our services with a video or a voice call. We will promptly, with full details, email the recordings to you.Our services are available in Tamil, Telugu, Kannada, HIndi, English.

Astrological Services

nadi josiyam


nadi josiyam


nadi josiyam


nadi josiyam


Online Consultation In Major Languages






Online Predictions

Nadi Astrology has been written for the seeking soul, for the people who want to get the Nadi predictions and are unable to visit us directly to our office, can get your Nadi predictions through our online services. There are 2 methods to find your Nadi leaf. You can either find your Nadi by video call on Skype/WhatsApp or you can send us the online form to do the leaf search.

